Intel Parallel Studio launched !

by - 20:08

Today is THE day! Intel announced availability of the Parallel Studio, the suite of software tools to ease development of parallel applications. Work on it has been my best experience at Intel so far. I do adore it !

Respected 3rd party announcements: Dr. Dobbs, SD Times

Parallel Studio home, featuring Open CASCADE team's testimonial:

"Intel® Parallel Inspector and Intel® Parallel Amplifier greatly simplified the task of finding hotspots and memory leaks. We were pleased with the 2X overall performance improvement and the elimination of several previously unidentified memory leaks."
– Vlad Romashko
Software Development Manager
OpenCascade S.A.S.

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  1. I tryed to install Parallel Amplifier demo with VS 2008 SP1 , but everytime I try to make a profiling session, it crashes in the "analysis phase" when it processes all the DLLs.

  2. Sorry to hear that :-( Are you using Amplifier or Inspector ? In any case, let me encourage you to describe your issue on a user's forum This will give a chance to get a specific suggestion.
    Good luck !

  3. I have sent the crash report via Email, I hope this helps :) I'd like to try Amplifier, because I saw how you used it!
