Having reviewed available NCollection allocators, we can create a C++ standard compliant allocator that would wrap them.
Please have a look at the NCollection_StdAllocator.hxx which is available in the git repository, branch CR23569. Here is a corresponding tracker report.
You can feed it with any instance of NCollection_BaseAllocator and then provide it to any STL container, for instance:
Handle(NCollection_IncAllocator) anIncAlloc = new NCollection_IncAllocator;
NCollection_StdAllocator aSAlloc (anIncAlloc);
std::list > aL (aSAlloc);
TopoDS_Solid aSolid = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox (10., 20., 30.);
aL.push_back (aSolid);
Default constructor uses NCollection_BaseAllocator::CommonBaseAllocator() and thus redirects all allocation calls to Open CASCADE central allocator interface. The following will do exactly this:
std::list > aL2;
This makes NCollection_StdAllocator a superset of Standard_StdAllocator suggested in Part1 and thus self-sufficient.
Moreover, as allocators for one object type can be casted to another type (part of the C++ standard requirement), you might end up using a single type:
typedef NCollection_StdAllocator AllocatorType;
AllocatorType anAlloc (new NCollection_IncAllocator);
std::list aL3 (anAlloc);
std::vector aV (anAlloc);
and also:
typedef std::basic_string, AllocatorType> StringType;
StringType aS1; //defaults to central allocator interface
StringType aS2 (anAlloc); //uses pool allocator
StringType aS3 (AllocatorType (NCollection_HeapAllocator::GlobalHeapAllocator())); //directly uses OS allocator and is effectively equivalent to std::string
Now, with NCollection_StdAllocator you can take advantage of available Open CASCADE allocators and use STL, Boost or any other containers or template classes that accept standard allocator. By the way, this flexibility enabled me to start gradually moving from NCollection to Boost, but that's a subject for a separate post ;-)...
Having reviewed available NCollection allocators, we can create a C++ standard compliant allocator that would wrap them.
Please have a look at the NCollection_StdAllocator.hxx which is available in the git repository, branch CR23569. Here is a corresponding tracker report.
You can feed it with any instance of NCollection_BaseAllocator and then provide it to any STL container, for instance:
Handle(NCollection_IncAllocator) anIncAlloc = new NCollection_IncAllocator;
TopoDS_Solid aSolid = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox (10., 20., 30.);
aL.push_back (aSolid);
Default constructor uses NCollection_BaseAllocator::CommonBaseAllocator() and thus redirects all allocation calls to Open CASCADE central allocator interface. The following will do exactly this:
This makes NCollection_StdAllocator a superset of Standard_StdAllocator suggested in Part1 and thus self-sufficient.
Moreover, as allocators for one object type can be casted to another type (part of the C++ standard requirement), you might end up using a single type:
typedef NCollection_StdAllocator
AllocatorType anAlloc (new NCollection_IncAllocator);
and also:
typedef std::basic_string
StringType aS1; //defaults to central allocator interface
StringType aS2 (anAlloc); //uses pool allocator
StringType aS3 (AllocatorType (NCollection_HeapAllocator::GlobalHeapAllocator())); //directly uses OS allocator and is effectively equivalent to std::string
Now, with NCollection_StdAllocator you can take advantage of available Open CASCADE allocators and use STL, Boost or any other containers or template classes that accept standard allocator. By the way, this flexibility enabled me to start gradually moving from NCollection to Boost, but that's a subject for a separate post ;-)...